Rotterdam Expat Centre is now Rotterdam International Center. We have moved into a new office in the Groot Handelsgebouw read more


When you leave the Netherlands, there are a few things you need to do. We explain the formalities below. Read this carefully to arrange a smooth departure. And by the way, it was great to have you here!

Deregister before you leave

Please remember that it is mandatory to deregister from the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP). The municipality will then update your details accordingly and will automatically notify other government authorities of your departure. You can have yourself deregistered up to a month before leaving the Netherlands. You must specify the date of your departure.

Who can deregister?

The following people may report a move (for themselves and for specified others).

  • Anyone aged 16 or up, on their own behalf
  • Cohabiting spouses/registered partners, on behalf of themselves and each other (provided that spouses and partners will be moving from the old to the new address together)
  • The parent, guardian or caretaker, on behalf of minors under their care
  • Parent(s), on behalf of their adult children (over 18) living at home (provided that the parents and the children living at home will be moving from the old to the new address together)
  • Adult children, on behalf of their parent(s) living with them (provided that the adult child and parent(s) will be moving from the old to the new address together)
  • A guardian, on behalf of a person who has been placed under their guardianship.

If you authorise someone to register your departure for you, they will need to send along or take the following documents with them:

  • their valid ID
  • an authorisation giving them permission to deregister you, signed by you
  • a copy of your valid ID

You can deregister yourself either online, or by post,..

Deregister online

You can register your move online (please note, you require a DigiD (digital authentication method)

Deregister by post

If you register your departure by post and do not provide a date of departure, then the date the municipality receives your written notice of departure will be filed as your date of departure.

It is not possible to report your move in writing if not all the residents of one address are moving abroad. In this case, everyone who is leaving the Netherlands (including minors) must appear in person at the municipality’s Public Services Department to report the move.

You can send the completed deregistration form and a copy of your valid identification (passport, identity card or Dutch residence permit) by email to or send it by post to:

Gemeente Rotterdam Klantcontact, afdeling Migratie

P.O. Box 70013

3000 KR Rotterdam

The municipality will send a confirmation of your deregistration to your given address abroad.

Costs to deregister

Deregistration from the Municipal Personal Records Database (BRP) is free. You will receive a copy of deregistration free of charge if you are moving to the Caribbean Netherlands (the countries of Aruba, Curaçao and Sint Maarten and the special municipalities of Bonaire, Saba and Sint Eustatius). You will need this document to register in the Caribbean Netherlands.

For others, it is possible to get an extract of your deregistration from the BRP (this service is not free). For example, when moving to or from a location abroad, Customs authorities may ask you to present an inward or outward clearance certificate for your household effects.
Costs of an extract in 2022: € 9,90 plus mailing costs

To deregister by post, send the deregistration form accompanied by a copy of your valid ID to:
Public Affairs Rotterdam
Attn. Afdeling Gegevensverstrekking
P.O. Box 70013
3000 KR Rotterdam

You will receive an invoice to be paid after receiving the document.
If you need more information, call +31 (0)10 – 2671625 (press 2 for an English speaking officer).