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Education & childcare

There are various types of childcare for children aged 0 to 13 years.


Daycare (kinderdagopvang)
Daycare is for children from 0 to 4 years old. Children in a daycare center are cared for in a fixed group. The group size depends on the age of the children and the available indoor and outdoor play spaces at the daycare center. The childcare workers who guide and care for the children have at least a level 3 vocational education diploma.

At most daycare centers in Rotterdam, toddlers from 2 to 4 years old can join the playgroup, where they can play and learn.

Most daycare centers are open every weekday, with varying opening hours between 7:00 AM and 7:00 PM. Some daycare centers also offer 24-hour care.


Playgroup (peutergroep)
For toddlers aged 2 to 4 years, Rotterdam offers the Playgroup (also called preschool). This service is subsidized by the municipality. It is a fun playgroup where toddlers play together and their development is stimulated. It is a good preparation for primary school. There are Playgroups at toddler care locations, daycare centers, and primary schools in Rotterdam. If you work, your toddler can join a Playgroup at the daycare center.


After-school care (buitenschoolse opvang)
For children in primary school, there is after-school care (BSO) and lunchtime care (TSO).


Childminders (gastouders)
Childminder care is available for children from six weeks old until the first day of the month in which the child starts secondary school. Childminder care takes place in a family setting through the mediation of a registered childminder agency. The term ‘provision for childminder care’ is used in the law. Childminders do not offer a playgroup.

A childminder can care for children at their own address or at the address where one of the children (the parents requesting care) lives.


Plus Childcare (Special Care)
Plus Childcare is care for Rotterdam children aged 0 to 13 years who cannot attend regular daycare, playgroup, or after-school care because they need extra guidance, attention, and care.

There can be various reasons for this. It might be due to behavioral problems such as hyperactivity (ADHD), inactivity, aggression, or anxiety. It could also be due to issues with learning, movement, playing (alone or with others), or interacting with other children. Speech or language problems can also be a factor.

Plus Childcare is always temporary. The goal is for children to move to regular care or school later on, thanks to the extra guidance, attention, and care they receive.


Accessing the National Childcare Register (Landelijk Register Kinderopvang, LRK)

The National Childcare Register contains a list of registered childcare facilities, including childcare centers and childminders. Registered in this case means that the childcare facilities have been approved by the municipality and the Municipal Health Services (GGD).

You can search for a childcare facility (in Dutch) in the National Childcare Register.


CJG Rijnmond. Center for Youth and Family

The CJG is the place where parents, caregivers, children and young people can go with questions about health, parenting, growing up and care. No question is too crazy! Their youth doctors, youth nurses, (doctor’s) assistants, (ortho)pedagogues and other experts offer advice, support and are happy to think along with you. They will work with you to find an answer to your question. Otherwise they will look for the right expert in their network. In this way, together with you, they make healthy and safe growth possible.