

To receive Child benefit you must be registered and living in the Netherlands. You can apply for the allowance by using your DigiD. The allowance is provided directly to parents via the Sociale Verzekeringsbank (SVB). Click here for more information.

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The Netherlands has a progressive tax rate. Furthermore, there is taxation on substantial interest, savings and investments. Do not forget that there are also many tax credits and benefits for certain groups of people, including: (single) parents, house owners, workers, non-working spouses, etc.

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When you start to work in the Netherlands, you will also start contributing to the Dutch tax system. There are national taxes you have to pay, but every resident in Rotterdam (or any city in the Netherlands) also pays local taxes.

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The 30% ruling applies to you if you were recruited or seconded outside of the Netherlands to work in the Netherlands. You can read more about whether you are eligible on the website of the Dutch Tax and Customs Administration

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