Rotterdam Expat Centre is now Rotterdam International Center. We have moved into a new office in the Groot Handelsgebouw read more

Statement recognised sponsors (employers) due to European sanctions


The European Union has imposed several sanctions against Russia and Belarus. These sanctions have consequences for companies in the Netherlands that have ties with (Bela) Russian companies. That is why the IND asks all recognised sponsors (Dutch: erkend referent) to complete a one-off declaration.

Please download the Statement recognised sponsor due to European sanctions and fill it in. Is your company affiliated with a (Bela)Russian parent company that is on the sanctions list? The IND is examining the possible consequences of this for the residence permits that you are applying for or have applied for. Send the statement to the IND as soon as possible. Have you received an e-mail from the IND and already sent the statement? Then you do not have to send the statement again.

For more information, please visit the IND website.