Rotterdam Expat Centre is now Rotterdam International Center. We have moved into a new office in the Groot Handelsgebouw read more

Webinar ‘How to integrate into a new country during times of social distancing’ by Rotterdam Expat Centre


Relocating to another country for work can be quite challenging in the best of times. Even more so, now that our daily life has changed considerably due to COVID-19. During this special webinar (a break-out session of the Virtual Thursday Gatherings of Venture Café Rotterdam) the experts of Rotterdam Expat Centre and Certified Life Coach Yaël Morag will share experiences and perspectives on how to make the integration process in your new home country and city work, no matter the circumstances. Their motto: even in times of a pandemic integration is possible!

This webinar (18:00-19:00 hours) is free of charge and no pre-registration needed. You can join the session via