Rotterdam Expat Centre is now Rotterdam International Center. We have moved into a new office in the Groot Handelsgebouw read more

Startup with ambitions? Looking for access to capital, new markets, and talent?



Starting and growing an innovative company is often a complex, risky and costly process. For startups, it is essential to hire staff with the right – often technical – knowledge and skillset. Worldwide this kind of personnel is in high demand, but scarce. Startups also have a relatively low turnover. To attract top talent, startups often complement a lower salary with shares in the company. This helps both the compnay and the new employees. Personnel shares in the success and risk of the company, and it also allows startups to attract the employees that are essential for the growth of their company.

On June 1, 2021 a pilot was launched to make it easier for innovative start-ups to hire foreign personnel with a special expertise. During the Upstream Festival the Netherlands Enterprise Agency (RVO), Rotterdam International Center (formerly Rotterdam Expat Centre) and InnovationQuarter (IQ) will explain this new visa scheme and can answer all questions you might have!

  • Wednesday June 1st –Talent Day
  • Thursday June 2nd –Growth Day

Please visit our booth at the Upstream Festival 2022 in Rotterdam at Bird (Home – Upstream Festival). Tickets: Upstream Festival 2022 | 3-Day Main Program Registration, Tue 31 May 2022 at 13:00 | Eventbrite.

For more information on the visa scheme

Please watch this video.

Header photo: Iris van den Broek